ACoP shares Accreditation Experience with Irish Regulator QQI

Irish higher education regulator Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) has invited us to share our experiences with the creation and implementation of our Joint Statement on Higher Education Course Accreditation with their member organisations.

ACoP is increasingly being asked to share and advise other organisations worldwide based on our experiences in our areas of policy and advocacy. Recently we were approached by Ireland’s national regulator of education and training services Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) to share our experiences in developing and implementing national standards for higher education course accredition.

Founded in 2012, QQI develops and maintains the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), a 10-level framework for the development, recognition and awarding of qualifications similar to our AQF. QQI also approves programs offered at a variety of schools, colleges and further and higher education and training institutions at the respective NFQ level. QQI members include many Irish professional associations such as Engineers Ireland, Chartered Accountants Ireland, the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland, the Veterinary Council of Ireland, etc.

At QQI’s May 2020 ‘Finding Common Ground: Aligning Accreditation and Adapting to Crisis‘ meeting of Ireland’s professional associations, the more than 30 attendees participated in a live presentation on our learnings from the experience of developing and implementing our Joint Statement on Higher Education Course Accreditation. During the subsequent Q&A session, they discussed with the presenter Klaus Veil the benefits, challenges and lessons learnt during the process. ACoP’s recent work on the Joint Statement of Principles for Higher Education during the COVID-19 pandemic was also discussed.

It is gratifying to see that QQI has based its high-level principles for the accreditation and approval of provider programmes on our Joint Statement on Higher Education Course Accreditation.

If you want to find our more about our collaboration with QQI, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or

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