ACoP increases its Government Advocacy

ACoP is pleased to announce that Peter Strong has joined the team as our advocate in Canberra. Peter is the immediate past CEO of COSBOA and left that position to have a break. We have coaxed him back into the fray.

Peter Strong
(Photo Jesse Marlow)

In addition to until recently advocating for our MOU partner Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia (COSBOA), Peter lead and participated in various Australian government advisory groups including as Chairman of Ken Henry’s Treasury Business Advisory Forum on Standard Business Reporting (SBR), Marise Payne’s Womens Economic Security Advisory Group member, the ACCC’s small business advisory forum, the ASIC Business Advisory Forum, SBR Board member, the Australian Tax Commissioners small business advisory group member, the ATO’s GST specialist advisory group member and many other advisory bodies to Prime Minister & Cabinet, Treasury, DFAT and the Department of Innovation. In the past Peter has also consulted to government agencies, the World Bank and the United Nations mainly on business development, training, change management, economic reform and industry restructuring.

Peter stated “Working for ACoP is an honour. Working on behalf of the most trusted group in the country is a worthy role. It is interesting that in COSBOA I obviously worked for small business people and many of them were and are professionals – health practitioners, accountants, architect and so forth.

With COSBOA we focused on the importance of small business people to community and also the economy. With ACoP the main difference is that professionals can be business owners, managers, employees, public servants etc. But professionals are the intellectual backbone of our country and the future of innovation. They are also an integral part of community.

ACoP as the peak body already has a seat at tables of importance as do the members of ACoP. We will now expand the reach of ACoP and ensure the opinions, expert opinion at that, will be heard more often.

Click here to see Mr Strong’s experience (linked from his website)

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